Kubernetes Admission Controller

Configure Terrascan as a Kubernetes Admission Controller


Terrascan can be integrated with K8s admissions webhooks. Admission controllers help you control resources created on a kubernetes cluster. By using Terrascan as an admission controller, resources violating security policies can be prevented from getting created in a Kubernetes cluster. For more details and instructions, click here to see our blog.

Note on SSL certificates: You can use valid SSL certificates or create self signed certificates and have your Kubernetes cluster trust it.

Installation Guide

To configure Terrascan as an admission controller, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of Terrascan which meets specified requirements as detailed below. Ensure Terrascan is accessible via HTTPS from the kubernetes API server.
  2. Create Terrascan config file.
  3. Run Terrascan in server mode.
  4. Configure a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource in kubernetes cluster pointing to the Terrascan server.
  5. Test your set up.

Step 1: Create an instance of Terrascan

Create an instance of Terrascan. To scan K8s configurations, your Terrascan instance must meet the following requirements.

  1. Make sure Terrascan is accessible via HTTPS. Ensure your cloud firewall is configured to allow this.
  2. Have a valid SSL certificate for the served domain name using one of the suggested methods below:
    • Use a subdomain of your choice (e.g dev-terrascan-k8s.accurics.com) and create a valid certificate for this subdomain through your SSL certificate provider. You can use Let’s Encrypt which is a free, simple to use certificate authority.
    • Use a reverse-proxy to serve SSL requests; for example, use Cloudflare Flexible to get a certificate by a trusted-CA to your self-signed certificate.
    • Generate a self-signed certificate and configure your K8s cluster to trust it. To add a trusted CA to ca-pemstore, as demonstrated in paraspatidar’s blog post.
  3. Use the Terrascan docker as demonstrated in this document, or run it from the sources.

Step 2: Create a Terrascan config file

For instructions to create a config file, see Usage . You can create a config file that specifies which policies to use in the scan and which violations should be rejected during admission.

  • Policies below the [severity] level will be ignored.
  • Policies below the [k8s-admission-control] denied-severity will be logged and displayed by Terrascan, but will not lead to a rejected admission response to the k8s API server.

Sample config file

A config file example: config.toml

  level = "medium"
      skip-rules = [

    denied-categories = [
        "Network Ports Security"
    denied-severity = "high"

You can specify the following configurations:

  • scan-rules - one or more rules to scan
  • skip-rules - one or more rules to skip while scanning
  • severity - the minimal level of severity of the policies to be scanned and displayed. Options are high, medium and low
  • category - the list of type of categories of the policies to be scanned and displayed

k8s-admission-control - Config options for K8s Admission Controllers and GitOps workflows:

  • denied-severity - Violations of this or higher severity will cause and admission rejection. Lower severity violations will be warnings. Options are high, medium. and low
  • denied-categories - violations from these policy categories will lead to an admission rejection. Policy violations of other categories will lead to warnings.
  • dashboard=true - enable the /logs endpoint to log and graphically display admission requests and violations. Default is false

Step 3: Run Terrascan in Server Mode

Run Terrascan docker image in your server using the following command:

 sudo docker run -p 443:9443 -v <DATA_PATH>:/data -u root -e K8S_WEBHOOK_API_KEY=<API_KEY> accurics/terrascan server --cert-path /data/cert.pem --key-path /data/key.pem -c /data/config.toml


  • <API_KEY> is a key used for authentication between your K8s environment and the Terrascan server. Generate your preferred key and use it here.
  • <DATA_PATH> is a directory path in your server where both the certificate and the private key .pem files are stored. This directory is also used to save the webhook logs. (Logs are in saves in SQLite file format)

Step 4: Configure a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration Resource in Kubernetes Cluster

Configure a new ValidatingWebhookConfiguration in your Kubernetes environment and specify your Terrascan server endpoint.


  cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
  apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
  kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    name: my.validation.example.check
    - name: my.validation.example.check
        - apiGroups:
            - ""
            - v1
            - CREATE
            - UPDATE
            - pods
            - services
      failurePolicy: Fail
        url: https://<SERVER_ADDRESS>/v1/k8s/webhooks/<API_KEY>/scan
      sideEffects: None
      admissionReviewVersions: ["v1"]
  • You can modify the rules that trigger the webhook according to your preferences.
  • Update the clientConfig URL with your terrascan server address and the API key you generated before.

Step 5: Test your settings

Try to run a new pod / service. For example:

  kubectl run mynginx --image=nginx

Go to https://<SERVER_ADDRESS>/k8s/webhooks/<API_KEY>/logs and verify your request is logged.

Last modified July 14, 2021 : fix broken link (27b1c7a)